截 至 Apr 20, 2024 , 共 有 1818 個 補 習 個 案 及 13132 位 補 習 導 師 。
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您 好 ! 補 習 天 地 經 由 專 業 導 師 主 辦, 政 府 註 冊, 免 費 為 家 長 / 學 生 介 紹 優 質 上 門 補 習。 補 習 天 地 有 誠 信, 有 口 碑 ,必 然 是 家 長 的 信 心 之 選 !

(個案編號: 4132 )
補習地區 葵涌 - Shek Lei Estate II
每星期堂數 2 堂/星期
每堂時數 1.5 小時/堂
時間 Mon-Fri
學生資料 中六 ( 女 )
補習科目 數學
學費 $ 150 /hr
導師要求 大學生女導師
瀏覽次數 391


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(* 導師在此登入後請同時更新個人資料,包括學歷及可補時間。資料越詳細的導師,越容易獲得家長信任和補習機會。)

I am a chemical engineering honor student at University of Iowa, USA, listed on both dean’s list and president’s list, recipient of multiple scholarships, and worked in a research laboratory with multiple presentations and publications.

As a student who is always seeking knowledge, I fully enjoy exploring as well as challenging new ideas. I truly believe that learning is not only for tackling exams, but tackling people and enriching our lives. Therefore, instead of learning solely for DSE or other public examinations, I focus on teaching you how to fall in love with the subjects you are learning. I can help you explorer your inner passion hidden for years, or discover it if you don’t have it yet.

If you are also looking for a chance to improve your English, we can also speak in English during the entire session even if you are here for other subjects. I can also help you change from someone who is guaranteed to score below a 3 in DSE English to someone who scores A in all US college level English courses, just like how I did it.

I can tutor English, Maths, M1/M2, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Primary and secondary school students are both welcome for individual or group tutoring with discount. Approximately HKD 150 – 250 per hour.
(2019-01-26 09:51:51)