截 至 May 4, 2024 , 共 有 1818 個 補 習 個 案 及 13132 位 補 習 導 師 。
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您 好 ! 補 習 天 地 經 由 專 業 導 師 主 辦, 政 府 註 冊, 免 費 為 家 長 / 學 生 介 紹 優 質 上 門 補 習。 補 習 天 地 有 誠 信, 有 口 碑 ,必 然 是 家 長 的 信 心 之 選 !

(個案編號: 3535 )
補習地區 紅磡 - 黃埔花園
每星期堂數 1 堂/星期
每堂時數 1.5 小時/堂
時間 Wed, Thu 4:30pm 後
學生資料 小二 ( 男 )
就讀學校 DBSPD
補習科目 英文
學費 $ 200 /hr
導師要求 小學教師
瀏覽次數 1085


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(* 導師在此登入後請同時更新個人資料,包括學歷及可補時間。資料越詳細的導師,越容易獲得家長信任和補習機會。)

13966現就讀大學英文研究及教育雙學士學位課程 (Bachelor of English language studies and English language teaching double degree) 二年級,並於一中學擔仼中一及中四英文補課導師。本人相信有能力教授小學生功課輔導及英文補習,以及中學(中一至四)英文補習的教授工作。補習期間可提供一些補充練習、筆記。(2017-08-05 20:37:17)
13824Dear all, my name is Roselyn. I studied in St.Pauls Co-ed from P.1-F.2 and went over-board afterwards. I achieved my GCSE with 10a* and 2a, I also achieved my A-levels with 2a*, 1a and 1b in Maths, Further maths, Chemistry and Economics. I am currently doing my Law degree in University of London

I am very passionate in teaching and education. I am also good in making difficult and abstract concepts simple. clear and fun. I am here to maximise every students' possible potentials.
(2016-09-16 16:55:42)


曾自修報考雅思IELTS,並獲取7.5的佳績(Listening: 8,Reading: 7.5,Writing: 6.5, Oral: 8) 另外,本人擁有兩年教授小學英文暑期班經驗及在清遠義教小六及初中。
(2016-07-10 03:20:11)


曾自修報考雅思IELTS,並獲取7.5的佳績(Listening: 8, Writing: 6.5,Reading: 7.5, Oral: 8) 另外,本人擁有兩年教授英文暑期班經驗及在清遠義教小六及初中。
(2016-07-10 03:17:29)
13665本人在香港St.Louis School讀了四年中學並於加拿大Kings-Edgehill school中學畢業。現為香港大學Bachelor of science in Exercise & Health的三年級生。本人在外國生活學習了三年,英文寫作或是用英文溝通的能力亦大大提升了。我在International English Testing System(ielts) 中考獲8的分數。另外本人對於理科亦有相當的認識(主要為English Chemistry Biology
(2016-05-03 11:04:59)
13644Hi, I am Janice. I am 20 years old and currently studying at HKIED pursing the bachelor degree of Education in English. I speak fluent English and I love to arouse students' interest in the language itself first then enhance their abilities. I am very good with kids and I like to be interactive with them to get them to participate more. (2016-04-14 20:22:03)
13641I studied in United States for my high school and undergrad. I am currently study Master in Applied Math in PolyU. Proficient in reading, writing and speaking in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. (2016-04-09 23:59:19)
13580Hello Parents, I am currently study Bachelor of Product Deign at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University of first year. I graduated from a international school, International Baccalaureate. I am fluent in all Cantonese, Mandarin and English. I believe that under my guidance your child could achieved high grades for the upcoming assignment or exams. Thank you
(2016-01-27 19:14:01)
13578I am an English teacher in one of the international kindergartens. I like working with children and I have students from kindergarten to primary schools. Thank you for your consideration.(2016-01-26 22:38:46)
13469本人為University of California, San Diego(USA) 心理學畢業生,成績優異(GPA:3.9/4 )。中學曾就讀band 1英中名校。會考20分。本人有信心能勝任,敬請考慮!謝謝!(2015-10-02 18:26:23)
13459I am a native English speaker (I also understand Cantonese) and I graduated in the UK. I have lots of experience teaching English to primary school children. Friendly and patient. Please contact me! (Female tutor)

(2015-09-25 11:13:55)
13355本人於灣仔區Band 1英中名校 嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院 畢業。於2014年第三屆文憑試一次性考上大學。現為香港城市大學Science and Engineering Department學生。於文憑試全科取得4級或以上的成績,數學科及物理科達5級。本人自小鍛練英文,Ielts Level 7, 因此能操流利英文。 本人有兩年的補習經驗,教授過多個名校學生,加上彈性補習時間,有信心能夠勝任,懇請多加考慮!
(2015-07-19 23:37:09)
13343本人在IELTS中取得8.5分, 英國高級程度教育文憑考試 A2 的成績預測為A* ,A* ,A*. 本人已有2-3年補習經驗,對英語充滿熱誠及對學生有耐性.本人亦已獲得多所英國名大學的offer (eg University of Warwick, Durham University, University of Bristol)(2015-07-13 01:23:28)
13266你好,本人現在就讀於位於深水埗的美國設計學校。本人從小學到中學在國際學校就讀,對英文有相當的認識和了解。在ielts的考試,獲得7.5分。本人自小學習英文, 因此能操流利英文. 我可以說流利的廣東話,英文和普通話. 雖然我沒有經驗,但是我希望家長可以給我一個機會。有興趣的學生可以聯繫我。謝謝(2015-05-26 20:57:52)
13249本人是拔萃男書院及香港浸會大學畢業生,香港高級程度會考3A 成積,勤奮及富責任感。現為中學中文,英文,文科教師,有完整教材提供,大學修讀語文系及為英文辯論隊隊長,代表參加國際賽事,對不少名人演講有深刻認識。過往有超過五年私人補習及補習社小組補習經驗,本人過往學生均來自名校,例如聖保羅書院、高主教、華仁、庇理羅士、蘇浙、聖若瑟、瑪莉曼、、皇仁亦有替教授演說課程,語言學習(日語及法語)現誠替區內中小學生補習,價錢合理,絕不取巧,時間可商量。(2015-05-18 13:38:11)
13217I speak fluent American english and mandarin, have tutored english for 3 years to more than 10 students. I graduated from SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School as known as one of top 10 English schools in Hong Kong. I am right now studying in University of Queensland but taking a gap year at this moment. Please don't feel hesitate to contact me since I can start the tutoring anytime ! :)(2015-05-04 18:17:26)
13206本人於港島半山Band 1男校畢業, 現爲香港中文大學工商管理系學生。
本人擁有3年補習經驗, 筆記全面, 並會爲學生提供相關的額外練習, 希望他們能夠真正明白課題, 以便應付測驗和考試。

我深信導師是學生的指路明燈, 透過適切的方法才能讓他們真正吸收知識。我相信我的補習經驗可以令學生的學習方式更有效率, 達致事半功倍的效果。

(2015-04-28 18:22:39)
13191Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is Priscilla and I'm currently working as an English language teaching assistant (ELTA) at a primary catholic school in Cheung Sha Wan. I mainly teach P1-3 but I also assist the Native English Teacher in P6 lessons. I studied in Melbourne, Australia from P2 up until I graduated high school and returned to HK so I am native in English. I have a bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology and I am pursuing my postgraduate degree in Education in the upcoming September. I would love to hear from you if you are interested! Thanks for your time! :)(2015-04-10 11:16:13)