截 至 May 14, 2024 , 共 有 1818 個 補 習 個 案 及 13132 位 補 習 導 師 。
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您 好 ! 補 習 天 地 經 由 專 業 導 師 主 辦, 政 府 註 冊, 免 費 為 家 長 / 學 生 介 紹 優 質 上 門 補 習。 補 習 天 地 有 誠 信, 有 口 碑 ,必 然 是 家 長 的 信 心 之 選 !

(個案編號: 2270 )
補習地區 北角 - Quarry Bay
每星期堂數 2 堂/星期
每堂時數 2 小時/堂
時間 After 8:00pm
學生資料 N/A ( 男 )
就讀學校 -
補習科目 英文, 英國語文
學費 $ 200 /hr
導師要求 大學畢業女導師
瀏覽次數 1457


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(* 導師在此登入後請同時更新個人資料,包括學歷及可補時間。資料越詳細的導師,越容易獲得家長信任和補習機會。)

11153本人畢業於傳統中西區名女校,現就讀HKUSPACE(直入副學士二年級)就讀新聞系和英文。因為聯招排位策略不佳,被派往香港教育學院讀英文,但我拒絕了學位,去了HKUSPACE讀直入副學士二年級的課程,給自己多一次機會考入更好的大學。熱愛語言,會考中文考獲5*,英文考獲5;高考中國語文及文化科的實用文和說話考獲A,Use of English的Writing 和Listening考獲A, Reading考獲B。其他科的成績亦有credits,沒有不合格。由中四起選讀英國文學和政府及公共事務,長時間的寫作和閱讀加深了我對英文的興趣,喜愛研究正音正字和每個字的所有用法和解釋,是校報記者和年度校刊編輯。能操流利英語及普通話,習慣與外籍老師溝通,是國際公開演講組織 Toastmasters International 的會員,接受過一連串密集式的英文演講。另外,本人亦是青年立法會的成員,由於經常要辯論,對分析題目方面甚有心得。由中四起擔任大姐姐,協助中一小妹妹盡快適應校園和輔導功課,尤其是那些從中文小學升上來的同學,有愛心並富耐性,自信能為貴子弟解答學業疑難。在中西區就讀小學時每年考獲全級第一,而升上中學後亦不時為中小學生補習,因此對現時中小學的課程不陌生。對工作熱誠認真,望家長能給予機會,謝謝!(2012-02-08 00:26:46)
11057Graduated from the University of Hong Kong and earned Master of Arts in Literary & Cultural Studies and Bachelor of Arts majoring in Comparative Literature and Fine Arts. Gained more than 2 years of working experiences from the Registry (Academic Liaison Section-Local School Liaison Section) in the University of Hong Kong, my alma mater. Currently working as an Art Administrator.
(2011-11-08 00:04:41)
This is a MA graduate from London and I did both of my secondary and high school education in Australia.
I have the experience of being a tutor for about one year.
I am currently working as a researcher in HKU, thus the tuition time which set at 8pm would be perfect for me.
I am very interested in this post and hopefully it has not been filled.
Thank you very much!
(2011-04-07 17:43:09)
10444-City University Masters in English
-Growing up in U.S.A
-Teaching English for over 5 years
-a lot of experience of tutoring
-speaking fluent Chinese and Korean
(2010-10-05 10:58:42)
10165本人為城市大學社會學院英文及傳播系畢業生,高考英語及中文口試皆取得A級成績,曾於北京華文學院進修普通話,文科極佳。(2010-06-29 22:40:59)
教師語文能力評核(英文基準試)作文卷得分4/5~(此考試, 有6成的老師/準老師不合格)
現在的學生多為名校生(e.g. St. Paul, 高主教)

學費: 小學 $150/hr (2hr/lesson)
中學 $200/hr (1.5 hr/lesson)
(2010-06-08 23:06:49)
10098- St. Paul's Co-educational College graduate
- Studied form 6 and 7 in a prestigious boarding school in the UK
- Obtained straight As in all papers in HKCEE English
- Obtained straight As in GCE A-levels, including English language (*top score of the school)
- Public Speaking Grade 8 (Merit), The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
- Currently pursuing a double degree in law and politics in HKU
- Proficiency and fluency in Chinese & English
- 3 years of English tutoring experience
- Capable of conducting lessons in 100% English
(2010-06-05 22:11:04)
9960Hi, my name is Stephanie. I am patient, and dedicated in helping pupils achieve their highest potentials. I received my Secondary School education in Singapore, and therefore took my GCE Ordinary Level (equivalent to HKCEE) and GCE Advanced Level (equivalent to HKAL) in Singapore. Throughout my Secondary School years, I have studied English and English Literature, and have received satisfactory results - A for both English and English Literature for my GCE 'O' Level Examination, B and C for English and English Literature respectively for my GCE 'A' Level Examination. I believe that I will be able to help your child in whatever questions they have about the language. I do hope you will consider and I look forward to your call. (2010-05-07 23:24:52)
9921I studied in DGS and graduated from HKU(2010-04-29 10:32:16)