截 至 May 14, 2024 , 共 有 1818 個 補 習 個 案 及 13132 位 補 習 導 師 。
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(個案編號: 2256 )
補習地區 九龍塘 - 又一村
每星期堂數 1 堂/星期
每堂時數 3 小時/堂
時間 Sat , 9:00am-12:00pm
學生資料 中四 ( 男 )
補習科目 英國語文
學費 $ 250 /hr
導師要求 大學畢業
瀏覽次數 1919


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(* 導師在此登入後請同時更新個人資料,包括學歷及可補時間。資料越詳細的導師,越容易獲得家長信任和補習機會。)

11811於加拿大居住十二年,純正英語發音,主修英國文學,於香港中中及英中任教四年,曾参與各級課程编輯,現任浸大講師,以英語教授哲學。(2012-09-17 09:55:25)
10636本人現為浸會大學year 2學生,major in eng.畢業於保良局莊啟程預科書院(f.6-7)。會考23分(文科),畢業於沙田官立中學(f.1-5)。中學以英文授課,會考英文考獲5級,高考英文考C。本人自小接受PHONICS訓練,英文發音準確;亦懂得Phonetics,可教授學生。現就讀的課程包括oral,文法,文學,創意╱實用寫作和語言學,對學生定必有幫助。有5年補習經驗,守時並有耐性,且熟悉課程。本人AL曾修讀心理學,與學生相處頗有心得。本人亦有獨特的教學方法,針對不同學生的需要,想必能提升學生的成績。補習時間十分有彈性,可配合學生要求。(2011-04-20 00:16:54)
This is a MA graduate (Master of Criminology) from London and I did both of my secondary and high school education in Australia.
I have the experience of being a tutor for roughly one year. I am currently working as a full-time researcher at the University of Hong Kong, thus Saturday would be a perfect day for my part-time job.
I am very interested in this post and hopefully it has not been filled.
Thank you very much!
(2011-04-07 17:48:02)
10481I am a law graduate from a top 20 university (University of Leicester) in UK, and I had obtained 8.5 over 9 in the overall score for my IELTS test. My English skill is self-proven. Should you and your child want to improve your English as well as your exam results, I am sure I will be able to help.(2010-11-01 12:06:07)
10444Hello, my name is Ronnie. Currently studying Masters in City Univercity of Hong Kong, growing up in the U.S.A, but I also speak fluent Chinese. I have been teaching English for over 5 years, so I have a lot of experience of tutoring.(2010-10-05 11:04:53)
10255I have graduated from Indiana University, USA. I was majoring in Science (English module) while HKCEE. During High School, I got credits[B grade] in both English & Maths Assessment Test. Moreover, I have 5 years tutorial experience in Primary curriculum.For the time being, I am a teacher working at North Point Government Primary School.(2010-07-27 13:04:39)
10194本人為香港李寶椿聯合世界書院的畢業生,將會本年度九月往香港大學修讀法律系課程。本人是一位本地生,能說一口流利的英語、廣東話以及普通話。本人在本年度的International Baccalaureate (國際文憑)中獲得 43分 out of 45分的佳績(即5A* 1A),亦在2008年度的GCSE獲得5A*, 3A, 1B 的優秀成績。在海外大學入學試方面,更取得2300/2400的SAT分數。本人具有兩年的補習經驗,平易近人,風趣幽默,不單對教 學有熱誠,簡單而直接的教學方式更是能針對每一位學生的需要。現有國際學校學生2名(流利英語上課)以及數名名校學生,均就讀IB國際課程。本人尤擅長補習英文 、英國文學以及文化。 除了中小學英文課程,亦可因應學生需要幫忙應付各海外大學入學試課程(如Toefl等)。可於星期一至五放學後,以及星期六日全日為學生補習。本人願意以時薪250-300上課 (本人目前已接個案時薪平均$275)(2010-07-09 09:56:27)
8843你好,本人於英國留學已有多年時間,於英國高中畢業並繼續就讀英國大學主修法律系,具有十分理想的英文能力,包括說話,寫作,聆聽等等,亦有多年教育小學生經驗(本人妹妹就讀小學4年級,全部科目皆由我執教,平均分保持80以上水平)(2010-06-18 19:22:37)
10131Currently studying in Rice University in Biological Science. Previously in the Chinese University majoring in Molecular Biotechnology. I was raised in an international school and is more than capable of communicating effective English. (2010-06-16 11:48:00)
10117>>本人是應屆中七畢業生,有充裕時間幫助其他有補習需要的同學。畢業於保良局莊啟程預科書院,在校成績優良,曾考過全級前十多名,全班前數名。會考成績 優良,中英文科作文皆A。因在入讀莊啟程後努力研習,成績進步頗大,比會考時基礎更超越不少,故累積了一定的學習心得,希望可以分享給 有需要的同學。生物科成績不錯,在模擬試中考全級第5。

>>本人做事耐心,具熱誠。曾讀過中文中學,明白學業基礎稍低的同學水深火熱的情形,補習時更能針對其弱點,對症下藥,並循循善誘,引導同學獲得更好成 績。不像一些可能成績卓越的“尖子”,懂得讀,卻不懂教,對同學一時未能掌握概念感到不耐煩,甚至取笑同學。本人更會因應同學程度提供合適筆記,功課,測 驗或默書。

>>語文科成績不錯,尤其英文科,即使中學就讀中文中學,但仍在會考英文科考獲level 5, 所有卷別皆考得level 5, 作文更有5*, 大大超越同班同學。這證明本人於英文科有個人學習心得,並有化腐朽為神奇的能力。英文口語尤佳,發音標準清晰,曾有英語老師以為我曾於海外留學,但其實沒有。可以教授英語拼音(國際音標),普通話拼音。有良好表達能力,可以給同學清楚解釋課程內容和概念。

(2010-06-10 23:01:05)
-英文文法有深入研究, 擅於改善學生英文文法上常出現的錯誤.
-已有4年補習中小學之經驗, 現有的學生由小學至高中不等.
(2010-06-09 02:41:58)
教師語文能力評核(英文基準試)作文卷得分4/5~(此考試, 有6成的老師/準老師不合格)
現在的學生多為名校生(e.g. St. Paul, 高主教)

學費: 小學 $150/hr (2hr/lesson)
中學 $200/hr (1.5 hr/lesson)
(2010-06-08 23:08:30)
10045I am a BBA(Accouting and Finance) student in The University of Hong Kong. I have abundant experience in tutoring, especially in language subjects.
My public examination performance proved my english proficiency level and I believe my enthusiastic, persistent and responsible attitude can certainly help my students.
I provide a lot of extra exercises and resources in addition to students' schoolwork. So my course will be resourceful but tough at the same time.
(2010-05-24 21:20:12)
9960Hi, my name is Stephanie. I am currently studying in HKBU, European Studies. I am patient, and dedicated in helping pupils achieve their highest potentials. I received my Secondary School education in Singapore, and therefore took my GCE Ordinary Level (equivalent to HKCEE) and GCE Advanced Level (equivalent to HKAL) in Singapore. Throughout my Secondary School years, I have studied English and English Literature, and have received satisfactory results - A for both English and English Literature for my GCE 'O' Level Examination, B and C for English and English Literature respectively for my GCE 'A' Level Examination. I believe that I will be able to help your child in whatever questions they have about the language. I do hope you will consider and I look forward to your call.(2010-05-16 02:50:26)
8271本人為香港大學法律系二年級生,畢業於協恩中學,有富豐補習經驗。(2010-05-11 00:59:41)
9921I studied in DGS and graduated from HKU(2010-04-29 10:33:26)