截 至 Apr 29, 2024 , 共 有 1818 個 補 習 個 案 及 13132 位 補 習 導 師 。
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您 好 ! 補 習 天 地 經 由 專 業 導 師 主 辦, 政 府 註 冊, 免 費 為 家 長 / 學 生 介 紹 優 質 上 門 補 習。 補 習 天 地 有 誠 信, 有 口 碑 ,必 然 是 家 長 的 信 心 之 選 !

(個案編號: 1783 )
補習地區 灣仔 - Wan Chai Rd
每星期堂數 1 堂/星期
每堂時數 1 小時/堂
時間 Wed aroung 3pm~6pm
學生資料 中五 ( 男 )
補習科目 英國語文
學費 $ 110 /hr
導師要求 中七畢業男導師
其他備注 惡補英文
瀏覽次數 3003


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(* 導師在此登入後請同時更新個人資料,包括學歷及可補時間。資料越詳細的導師,越容易獲得家長信任和補習機會。)

10131I am currently studying in Rice University in the U.S and have been previously enrolled in the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

I was raised in an international school and could communicate effectively in English.

You may contact me at 63901777. Thanks.
(2010-06-16 11:52:48)
10117>>本人是應屆中七畢業生,有充裕時間幫助其他有補習需要的同學。畢業於保良局莊啟程預科書院,在校成績優良,曾考過全級前十多名,全班前數名。會考成績 優良,中英文科作文皆A。因在入讀莊啟程後努力研習,成績進步頗大,比會考時基礎更超越不少,故累積了一定的學習心得,希望可以分享給 有需要的同學。生物科成績不錯,在模擬試中考全級第5。

>>本人做事耐心,具熱誠。曾讀過中文中學,明白學業基礎稍低的同學水深火熱的情形,補習時更能針對其弱點,對症下藥,並循循善誘,引導同學獲得更好成 績。不像一些可能成績卓越的“尖子”,懂得讀,卻不懂教,對同學一時未能掌握概念感到不耐煩,甚至取笑同學。本人更會因應同學程度提供合適筆記,功課,測 驗或默書。

>>語文科成績不錯,尤其英文科,即使中學就讀中文中學,但仍在會考英文科考獲level 5, 所有卷別皆考得level 5, 作文更有5*, 大大超越同班同學。這證明本人於英文科有個人學習心得,並有化腐朽為神奇的能力。英文口語尤佳,發音標準清晰,曾有英語老師以為我曾於海外留學,但其實沒有。可以教授英語拼音(國際音標),普通話拼音。有良好表達能力,可以給同學清楚解釋課程內容和概念。

(2010-06-10 23:06:27)
9949本人現為城市大學法律學院二年級學生,副修英文,並擁有五年補習經驗。如有需要,可為學生提供筆記以幫助學習。(2010-05-06 01:47:36)
9688Hello my name is Tanim (Male Tutor). I have graduated from Delia School of Canada (TaiKoo Shing). I have studied in United Kindom University for 1 year in Business, currently studying in Hong Kong, Utah State University (Hong Kong Branch). I have 4 years tutoring experience in English. I can speak Fluent Cantonese. Please kindly let me be your Tutor. Thank you.(2010-01-12 15:14:50)
9597本人現為香港城市大學二年級學生,主修翻譯及傳譯。中五自可風中學畢業後,便開始為小學生提供全科補習,其後更獲福利機構聘為小組補習導師,經驗豐富。本人高考成績優良,且語文能力較佳,能針對學生在英文科上的困難,重點改善,特別有助提昇學生之英文水平。(2009-12-11 17:24:09)
9490本人現就讀樹仁大學新聞及傳播系一年級,中學時讀理科,數感強,文筆流暢,口齒伶俐,誠替小學初中生補習。(2009-11-03 16:44:08)
7987本人為樹仁大學經濟及金融學系二年級學生,現居黃大仙/北角校舍;膝下有學生六人,年級介乎小四至中五,主教全科,教學經驗相當豐富,能了解學生學習困難及心理壓力;本人來自中中,並修讀文商科目,尤其擅長中,英說話及寫作能力,作品曾於08年全港散文比賽獲亞軍,並於高考口試分別獲甲等及C級之成績,足以肯定本人之能力;同時,本人正修讀普通話課程,準備報考本年度國家普通話水平測試,及修讀Englishtown第14級進階英文課程,如有需要,可安排以英語授課;可補習時間:星期一三3pm後;星期二四7pm後;星期五六日;全日待議(2009-09-20 01:45:45)
8737你好!本人是喇沙書院學生, 亦是恆生商學書院中七畢業生,現為港大學生,有兩年的中小學補習經驗,有能力補初中及高中理科。本人曾是成績很差的學生(幾乎留級),因此明白如何刺激學生學習興趣,過往學生亦能在短期內有效提高成績及語文能力。本人會考考獲4A,其中中文及英文得A及B的成績,數理方面: 化學, 生物學, 物理及附加數成績分別是A, A, B, B。本人瞭解學習上的困難及讀書的竅門而且有教育熱誠,過往學生的家長亦感滿意。本人有耐心及責任感,並能提供教材。希望能幫到 貴子弟解決學業上的問題,以在開學後能面對挑戰。請考慮,願意$100/hr以示誠意!(2009-07-17 21:06:30)
8737本人是喇沙書院學生, 亦是恆生商學書院中七畢業生,有兩年的中小學補習經驗。本人善於溝通及刺激學生學習興趣,相信能在短期


學習上的困難及如何運用的竅門。本人有耐心及責任感,希望能幫到 貴子弟解決學業上的問題。 本人亦能提供筆記供學習。除星期

(2009-07-13 15:32:03)
8904本人在美國亞利桑那州畢業(GPA 3.78).
(2009-07-11 22:55:10)
5346I have ten years experience in teaching secondary school English and Maths. I got excellent results in English in CE and ASL UE. I got Grade As in UE Oral and Writing; and Grade Cs in all others. I was a member of the English Debate Team in University for three years. I have graduated from University with a minor in English Language. I came from EMI secondary school. I got excellent result in IELTS in 2007.(2009-06-26 13:46:29)
5346I have ten years experience in teaching secondary school English and Maths. I got excellent results in English in CE and ASL UE. I got Grade As in UE Oral and Writing; and Grade Cs in all others.
I was a member of the English Debate Team in University for three years. I have graduated from University with a minor in English Language. I came from EMI secondary school. I got excellent result in IELTS in 2007.
(2009-06-23 02:15:37)
8784Experienced all subject tutor from Harvard available
-Graduated from Harvard University with a Master degree in quantitative science specialized in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics and Finance.
-Oversees experience in teaching and tutoring in high school and college.
-Excellence in teaching English, Mathematics, and other subjects at the levels of primary school, high school, and college.
-Funny, stimulating ways of teaching, and enthusiastic

Please email or call if you have any questions, or if you would like to arrange a free consultation.

I look forward to speaking with you.
Wayne alldunkz@hotmail.com / +852 92275732


-主張個人化課程, 以學生水準及需要訂定課程, 絶非流水作業式。
教學. 因此收生人數有限, 請迅速報名,電話: 92275732 電郵: alldunkz@hotmail.com

(2009-06-21 21:46:35)
5346I have ten years experience in teaching secondary school English and Maths. I got excellent results in English in CE and ASL UE. I got Grade As in UE Oral and Writing; and Grade Cs in all others.
I was a member of the English Debate Team in University for three years. I have graduated from University with a minor in English Language. I came from EMI secondary school. I got excellent result in IELTS in 2007.
(2009-06-21 11:10:11)
(2009-06-08 18:33:51)
8638Hi! I am a full-time Tutor,I graduated with Bachelor Degree in Economics, I received an Achievement of Outstanding Student Award Winner, and I has been shortlisted for Nomination for a Scholarship recently. I got grade (A) in GCE A-Level, one of the papers was requested to translate from "English literature" to Chinese. I will attend PGDE(Education) at HKIED in coming Sep 2009. I have 3 years experience in tutoring for P1-S5 students. I can teach students effectively and help them to achieve a great improvement in English (Writing, Reading and Grammar). Thank you for the opportunity and kind consideration(2009-06-02 20:45:13)
8588本人現為香港大學工程學士學位一年級學生,會考和高考主修理科,會考成績良好,物理考獲B及數學,附加數,化學C,高考語文科成績不俗,。有一年補習經驗。本人守時盡責,亦能針對學生不足之處作出指導,可作長時間補習,補習時間亦可作彈性調動。(2009-06-01 18:21:28)
7577I am a Year 1 Bachelor of Business Administration student studying in the HKUST. I have 2 years of experience in providing tutoring services to many students, ranging from primary students to form 5 students. I am confident I can match your situation by providing exercises and concise explanations. Detailed grammar notes and english readings will be given also.(2009-06-01 00:59:25)
8626本人現就讀於香港浸會大學(學士一年級生), 主修經濟. 迄今已有三年之私人補習經驗. 本人對於教授數理,英文及經濟尤有個人見解,善於為學生解釋學科中的邏輯. 本人相信祗有明白學問中的邏輯才可以在考試有效發揮,取得佳績! 可提供教材練習, 望能加以考慮!(2009-05-29 04:30:35)
8469本人為皇仁書院中七畢業生, 擁有接近2年私人及補習社經驗, 認真, 深明學生需要,亦能配合家長時間
本人於皇仁書院模擬試(MOCK)中, 其英文科獲得B 級成績, 相信能令貴子女的英文各方面獲得顯著的進步
(2009-05-14 15:30:36)
8427本人為應屆高級程度會考考生 ( 男 )

會考成績29分 (5A’s 3B’s), 中英文均考獲5*; 亦在IELTS 取得8.0/9 的佳績

本人有2年補習經驗, 曾替多名中小學生補習; 除了教授課本知識外,更能改善學生的學習方法

Chinese Language: 5*
English Language: 5*
Biology: A’s
Chemistry: A’s
Economics: A’s
Mathematics: B’s
Additional Mathematics: B’s
Physics: B’s

(2009-05-10 17:11:56)
8291Hello, I am a F7 graduate from St Paul's Co-educational College. I had 27 points in the HKCEE, including A in English, Additional maths and biology, and B in Physics,Chemistry and Maths. I lived in Australia for two and a half years when I was small. Fluent in English. Got A in English in the current HKCEE syllabus, so I could share some of my experience with you.

Please feel free to contact me at iancheng1990@hotmail.com or 60811816.
(2009-04-28 20:41:30)
8238I obtained my Master degree from University of Leicester in UK, also studied 3 years in Canada before. Besides, I went to reputable English School in HK since primary one. My written and spoken English is close to native level.

Please feel free to contact me at 61866985 to discuss in details, thank you.
(2009-04-21 16:23:39)
8190Hi there, I am an experienced tutor who has been teaching in several tutor centers over at least 5 years. Thus, I know what students need and can provide them with the best learning materials.
In addition to my experience, my excellent performance in the recent open examination also allow me to teach student in how to get better grade in Hong Kong open exam including the exam technique, what can assist my student to achieve a brilliant result in their examination.

Plz do not hesitate to contact me at 96063131 and lets discuss in details.
(2009-04-04 01:52:47)
8143I graduated from The University of Manchester
(UK) in Mechanical Engineering.

I have been to the United Kingdom for more than
seven years, which I started to study GCE A-level
with subjects in Mathematics, Physics and

I have tutoring experience for primary and
secondary school students in science sujects and
English Language, which I always received good
comments from the students and parents.

Most of the parents said that I could help their
children to develop an interest in the subjects,
even in Mathematics and English Language.

Please contact me at tel 94974579 for more details and we could
discuss in details.
(2009-03-16 20:03:33)