截 至 Apr 30, 2024 , 共 有 1818 個 補 習 個 案 及 13132 位 補 習 導 師 。
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您 好 ! 補 習 天 地 經 由 專 業 導 師 主 辦, 政 府 註 冊, 免 費 為 家 長 / 學 生 介 紹 優 質 上 門 補 習。 補 習 天 地 有 誠 信, 有 口 碑 ,必 然 是 家 長 的 信 心 之 選 !

(個案編號: 1051 )
補習地區 香港仔 - 香港仔大街
每星期堂數 2 堂/星期
每堂時數 2 小時/堂
學生資料 小四 ( 男 )
就讀學校 St. Joseph's Primary School
補習科目 英文
學費 $ $60 /hr
導師要求 中七畢業女導師
其他備注 practise oral scale and gramma exercise
瀏覽次數 1735


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(* 導師在此登入後請同時更新個人資料,包括學歷及可補時間。資料越詳細的導師,越容易獲得家長信任和補習機會。)

9412本人剛於美國大學以傑出畢業生及榮譽畢業, 主修酒店管理,副修英語. 現居薄扶林置富花園. 有豐富補習經驗. 能操流利英語及國語. 可補全科.可選擇以全英語授課. 歡迎致電61580944陳小姐查詢.(2009-10-14 02:22:36)
9247i graduated from Monash University in 2008. i spoke and wrote English in my class, lives in Melbourne. thus, i believe that i am the right person for this. i was a tutor in an education centre, i am patience and responsible person. my duties were" corrected their homeworks and made sure that they studied for their exams, tests and dictations before they left. i was a private tutor too. he was P5 student. he improved his study a lot. i was happy and this is what i want to see too. moreover, i taught a group of students English on Saturday. i prepared some games for them. so they can learn via playing. i have a younger brother who is p5 student. i understand what they want well. i will prepare related materials for ur kid.i hope that i can have a chance to teach ur kid. thanks(2009-09-12 10:19:54)
8702本人現為香港大學文學院學生, 曾就讀黃大仙區名英文女校,德望中學,該校用普通話教授,Heng Seng School of Commerce form 7 畢業生,會考和高考既英文成績同優異, 英文口語有a級,而且熱愛英文,仍然努力修讀英文所以現在對英文各方面都十分了解,而且有大量英文習作以作出針對性的補習;亦同時清楚學校考試方向以及公開試應試技巧。會考maths有b級和高考 Maths and stats 有b級.本人有2年以上的補習經驗,?_為小學生補習全科1年,現希望為小學及初中生補習,有愛心和耐性。補習時間為任何時候。(2009-07-31 11:06:07)
8828i have just done with the high school and waiting for the result of going to the university in england.I did HKCEE in hong kong and i got really good results.Also, i did have experience in helping primary and secondary students in a tutorial center for summer holidays. i fully understand what they need and why they do not understand certain topics. Lastly, i got IELTS 7 amd Durham university and nottingham university gave me offers as well.(2009-06-29 01:05:37)
7807I graduated from University of British Columbia in Canada. I have 2 years experience in tutoring. I used to be a tutor in Canada for teaching conversation and grammer.(2008-11-14 18:49:05)

(2007-08-16 23:53:58)
6563本人中七畢業,將就會計學高級文憑, ,居住香港仔, 本人對小朋友很有耐心而且盡責準時,會因應不同的小朋友而用不同的教學方法, 家長可以放心, 時間由家長而定, 希望貴家長可以給予我機會.(2007-08-07 16:37:43)