截 至 Apr 30, 2024 , 共 有 1818 個 補 習 個 案 及 13132 位 補 習 導 師 。
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您 好 ! 補 習 天 地 經 由 專 業 導 師 主 辦, 政 府 註 冊, 免 費 為 家 長 / 學 生 介 紹 優 質 上 門 補 習。 補 習 天 地 有 誠 信, 有 口 碑 ,必 然 是 家 長 的 信 心 之 選 !

(個案編號: 1046 )
補習地區 太古城 - 太古灣道
每星期堂數 1 堂/星期
每堂時數 1.5 小時/堂
時間 Thu,3:30pm後
學生資料 小五 ( 女 )
就讀學校 北角衛理小學
補習科目 英文
學費 $ $150 /hr
導師要求 大學畢業女導師
其他備注 請代找一位有經驗、盡責的全職補習老師,希望能幫小女提升在校的英文成績,將於8月尾或9月開始補。
瀏覽次數 7349


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留 言 (請填上你認為適合此個案的原因)

(* 導師在此登入後請同時更新個人資料,包括學歷及可補時間。資料越詳細的導師,越容易獲得家長信任和補習機會。)

13051本人是就讀理工大學酒店管理三年級的學生,有意應徵補習中文或文科科目(歷史,中史,地理,商業),我文科公開考試成績優良,擅於寫作和閱讀理解,精於答題技巧,在有限時間內寫出易得分的答案,我有信心可助學生提升學習效率和成績進步. 我講解清晰,耐心教授,希望能助學生投入學習,考試成功,如有需要請隨時聯絡本人(2014-10-06 22:05:30)
10098- St. Paul's Co-educational College graduate
- Studied form 6 and 7 in a prestigious boarding school in the UK
- Obtained straight As in all papers in HKCEE English
- Obtained straight As in GCE A-levels, including English language (*top score of the school)
- Public Speaking Grade 8 (Merit), The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
- Currently pursuing a double degree in law and politics in HKU
- Proficiency and fluency in Chinese & English
- 3 years of English tutoring experience
- Capable of conducting lessons in 100% English
(2010-06-05 22:33:59)
本人懂得如何教導學生理解及掌握重要概念, 幫助學生應付各類題目,更能以流利英語教導學生,協助學生提昇英語水平.
(2009-07-16 23:52:00)

My name is Joyce Tse and I am going into 4th year Chemical Engineering at Queen's University in Canada. I live in Canada and have perfect English, but I am here in Hong Kong this summer since i was hired by Summerbridge Hong Kong to teach English and Music, however the program was cancelled due to the swine flu epidemic. I have experience tutoring both Mathematics and English in Canada.

I can make learning fun =). I look forward to working with you!
(2009-06-17 23:24:08)
8724HKU BA in English. A in HKCEE. Native English accent. 3 years experience in private and tutorial centre teaching. Patient and responsible.(2009-06-11 12:35:54)
8554本人現為香港城市大學marketing一年級生,於聖保羅男女中學中七畢業,有多4年補習經驗,現時有為中四和中五的學生補習經濟,亦有為數名小學生補習,會提供notes(2009-05-21 14:45:45)
8256女,九龍女名校中七畢業,會考26分(Chi C, Eng B, Math B, Phy A Chem B, Bio B, Econ A, Geog C), 具2年補習經驗, 有責任感,有齊各科20年past paper/名校notes/補習天王notes(2009-04-24 17:54:08)
8227I am a postgraduate student from Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy, learning towards English linguisitcs. I've been tutoring primary school students and two kids aged 3 for Putonghua.I am quite patient and love kids.(2009-04-18 22:27:46)
7986Hi, I am a final year full scholarship business student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Having been to the Wharton Business School in the US and the Cambridge University in the UK, I am fluent in English. When studying at the college, I always get A in English courses. Given my experience of working at various US and European investment banks as intern, I am very experienced in English communication. I also have experience working as an English tutor. I'm sure I will provide a good learning experience for your child. I am available during weekends and I can begin right away.(2009-01-19 23:21:43)
7898本人於澳洲新南威爾斯大學(UNSW)畢業。本人現為小學及中學生補習,包括小三~中二的學生及國際學校的學生補習。本人教學認真,有耐心並對小朋友有充份的耐性,跟他們有良好的溝通,使他們明白課本的內容及汲取更多的知識 。所以絕對有信心可以應付得到 (可用中英語交談講授,更能明白)!(2008-12-29 23:01:05)
7790I am a past student of St. Paul's Co-educational College. I obtained my Bachelor Degree from the University of Toronto. I am now an LLB External Student of the University of London. I have experience tutoring English in both Canada and Hong Kong.

I am proficient in the use of English (grammar, essay writing and conversation) and have tips in studying English.

For more details of my qualifications, please feel free to leave me a message.
(2008-11-04 13:20:05)


蔡小姐 5166-4766
(2008-10-02 18:46:43)
7305I will begin majoring in physics as an undergraduate at CUHK starting this September. Prior to that, I had studied at the university level at McGill University of Canada and the University of Hong Kong. Previously, I had obtained a score of 283 out of 300 on the TOEFL CBT. I had tutored some Form 5 students to prepare them for the HKCEE English exams before, and enjoy teaching English.(2008-06-21 12:46:49)
6877本人於大學修讀會計, 中學會考, 高考, 甚至大學成績優異, 並有多於10年私人補習經驗. 本人沒有不良嗜好. 於2007年, 成為大學代表遠赴海外論壇, 並曾獲邀參加大學教資會大學論壇. 此外, 我曾於中學時期去著名補習社補習, 有多個補習老師的筆記. (主補文科,商科, 電腦) IELTS 7.0(2008-02-27 00:12:58)
(2008-01-24 03:43:09)
6680本人畢業於中文大學,HKAL:PSY:A ENG:B 英國IELTS考試:Grade 8(very good user) 具有5年補習經驗,擅於了解學生個別弱點以生動的方法使其加以改進,而且深諳公開考試的技巧,所幫助學生多不勝數,不少學生考試更能提升達2、3級之多.本人曾修讀心理學兼具耐性,所以和學生都可建立亦師亦友的關係,繼而對其循循善誘和分析道理.過往也充當過不少家長及學生之間的溝通橋樑.

(2007-09-24 05:25:20)
6558本人於紐西蘭大學畢業, 有多年補習經驗, 主要為中小學學生補習英文, 可提供練習題及教材(2007-08-03 16:07:48)
2808本人就讀香港理工大學二年級生(Engineering)。有4年補習經驗(PART TIME),主要為all level 學生補習。過往就讀中西區英文中學,會考成績15分,Maths會考為B級。All 日子早上也可以。學習經歷包括傳統的學位,及其他專業的學習記錄: 這將表現出你學習的廣度,及個人勤勉的特質。 在目前的工作態下,持續性的學習才能創造自己在 職場上的競爭力,而在這個部分,你將可以顯示你在 這個領域是跟得上時代的,並保持持續學習的過程, 有做文員經驗.
I also have doing the CLERK work in office, and I also do the assistance of administrative in other office (also is part time)
(2007-07-22 01:08:17)
5709本人為現職中學會考班教師,具十年文理科教學經驗(有教師證及任教證明),曾編寫課外作業並曾任中學會考閱卷員,於2004-2005年度獲香港公開大學聘任為學位教師指導導師(具聘任狀),現誠替中五以下各級學生精補全科,取價(2007-07-21 21:59:18)
6476本人剛完成HKU Space副學士先修課程,現就讀副學士year1, 剛剛18歲, 畢業於庇理羅士女子中學,曾在北角衛理小學畢業,居住北角, 本人對小朋友很有耐心而且盡責準時,會因應不同的小朋友而用不同的教學方法, 家長可以放心, 暑假仍有替一名小三和一名小六學生補習英文,由於本人不是全職補習老師, 所以學費可以減一點, 時間由家長而定, 希望貴家長可以給予我機會(2007-07-20 00:21:18)